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Some Useful Rates PDF Print


Weekly Benefit
Basic Retirement Pension
Single person
Child Benefit
First eligible child
Each subsequent child
Statutory Sick Pay (SSP)
Average weekly earnings £112 or over (2015/16 £112)
Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP)
90% of average weekly pay
First 6 weeks
First 6 weeks
Lower of £139.58 (2015/16 £139.58) or 90% average weekly earnings
Next 33 weeks
Next 33 weeks
Minimum rate
Statutory Adoption Pay (SAP)
39 weeks
39 weeks
Statutory Paternity Pay (SPP)*
2 weeks
2 weeks
Both SAP and SPP

Lower of £139.58 (2015/16 £139.58) or 90% average weekly earnings 



Minimum rate

*Additional statutory paternity pay (ASPP) has been replaced by shared parental leave. 



Jobseekers Allowance

Single person (25 or over) 

Couple (both 18 or over)
National Minimum Wage
From 1 October 2016
From 1 October 2015
  21 - 24
18 - 20
16 and 17





*Rate applies to apprentices under 19, or those 19 and over in the first year of apprenticeship.

A&A Tax Consultants